Welcome to the writings, journals and the intricate inner workings of the first 2 books part of a series of motivating, life-altering, "self-help" editions written from the talented author, Chris Mays.

From The Backside of The Desert
The Desert - A dry, lifeless, abandoned, vacant, uninhabited mass of land; not fit or suitable for growth or productivity. Moses once found himself on the backside of the desert where he felt that life as he knew it was over. Much like Moses you may be going through a time in your time that seems dry, barren or maybe even hopeless. You may think that those dreams, gifts and talents that were birthed inside of you have now died. Well not so friends.
I invite you all to follow the remarkable journey of one man's quest to restoration and success with key principles and life skills that are practical to your everyday life. Just as he did - you too can allow yourself to come out from the backside of the desert.

From the Inside Out
This book has been designed to bring one's realities and responsibilities to the surface. The intent of this book is to encourage one to stand and fight his/her problems rather than running and hiding from them. From my personal experiences and the experiences of others in whom I've come into contact with, I deposit into this book and express with a special emphasis, that out of our pain in the past we can convert our rage into power. The power that would move us forward, the power to focus on solutions rather than problems, the power to develop a commitment to create freedom for ourselves and those we can teach and touch.
In completion of reading this book my desired results is that every person would be motivated to deflate his/her negative experiences and emotional challenges from his/her past, and use them instead as building blocks to create the future he/she deserves. Remember that there is always a way if you are committed.